How Do I Know What to Write About?


So, you want to write a book or a screenplay but aren’t sure what it should be about.

If I’m being honest, I’ll call bullshit here. Something made you think you wanted to write. What was it? Did you find inspiration in something you read? Did you see a movie and think, I could do that better?

Something inspired you.

All it takes is a spark. Just one tiny spark for an idea to grow or a story to take shape.

Sometimes finding a good story can be easy - we’re surrounded by them daily. And sometimes coming up with a story or an idea can be a challenge.

ideas to help you Turn that

spark Into a Flamethrower

Ideas To Spark Your Writing
  • look around you

    Did your kids do something funny? Is your husband or wife or partner an idiot? Do you want to hypothetically murder them? Do it in a book.

    That sad lady on the park bench that everyone passes without noticing? What’s her story?

    Do you watch the news? Turn a world event into a badass Sci-Fi screenplay.

    Make up a story about your silverware being passed down for generations after being smuggled out during World War II even though you bought it at Crate & Barrel.

    Anything can become a story.

  • what inspires you?

    Are you a gym rat? Like to have a cocktail or ten? Get a sense of peace standing at the water’s edge of a sandy beach, listening to the pounding surf? Do you hike? People watch at airports? Go on solo road trips with the windows down and the music cranked up?

    Go. Do it. Do whatever it is that helps you think or clears your mind or gives you inspiration.

  • what are you reading? What movies are you watching?

    Start with what you like. What genres do you gravitate to? Do you like history, romance, fantasy, comedy? Read screenplays. Emulate them. But don’t copy. Find your voice.

    What works? What doesn’t? What did you absolutely love?

    Stephen King said it best, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

  • what pisses you off?

    Writing is cathartic. Whether it's just for you or to turn your pain and anger into a story for others; get it out. I’m talking stream of consciousness get it out.

    A spat with a spouse. That guy who didn’t hold the elevator. A death. A breakup. The news. Your asshole boss. Your asshole cat. Whatever it is, write it down.

    Now, ask youself, could this be turned into a story? Could it have a resolution in story form? Is it dialogue? Have you just created your villain? A surprising hero?

  • what makes you laugh or cry?

    While opposite ends of the spectrum (except for me since I cry when I laugh), these are huge emotions. You are moved enough to show it outwardly.

    Think about the last time you did either, could you turn it into a story? A person into a character?

    People seem to love when I recount stories where I’ve done something absolutely embarassing. Which is frequent. What’s something you did that made everyone else laugh? Be vulnerable.

  • music

    Songs are stories. They’re short tales of heartbreak, familiarity, uplifting good times, love, rage, injustice, asses, and the list goes on - all wrapped in a nice package that I can scream-sing to.

    Find some lyrics that speak to you. Create a story around them using your own characters and narrative.

    For example, why was Jolene such a man-stealing whore? Did she even know Dolly’s guy was in-love with her? Was he in-love with her? What was the outcome?

    Did Lizzo’s Jerome get his shit together? Did she introduce him to the love of his life? Did he learn not to drunk text?

    Go into a bar and order a Funky Cold Medina, Brass Monkey, or a Gin and Juice. Do people start singing? Do they think you’re crazy? What happens?

    You get the idea.

  • what’s your story?

    Did an event happen in your life that was pivotal? Do you have a memory that always pops into your head? Did you help create a memory for someone else?

    Was there that crazy night in college that you only remember half of? Fill in the blanks.

    Do you have an interesting family dynamic? A completely dysfunctional one? Is there something awesome or totally shameful in your family’s history?


    Don’t worry, you can always change the names to protect the innocent or guilty later.

what do you draw inspiration from?