Page-turner. Edge-of-my-seat. I’m totally in-love. I got chills. Stayed up all night to finish. My new favorite author. Critically-acclaimed. Please sign on the dotted line and initial here and here.
These are all things we want to hear when someone reads our work. That’s the goal, right? To get our stories into the hands of readers who will love them as much as we do. To share our stories.
So, you need to ask yourself, what kind of writer and storyteller do you want to be?
Ask yourself this question but really think about it. I mean really think about it. What is the career you are looking for? Is this a career to you? Is writing and telling stories what you are truly passionate about? Is it the thing that gets you up in the morning? You know, besides, like, your kids or pets or something. 'Cause you should totally get up for them. They're probably hungry.
To be a great writer you have to actually put in the work. To make your story come alive, you have to put in the work. From world-building to character development to plot, you must suck the reader in and hold them hostage until the last page. We know you know this story inside and out, but the reader isn't in your head so you must take them there. Show them a new world, make them want to be there, force them to care about your hero or heroine and despise your antagonist. Satisfy them, but make them want more - from you.
Whether you are querying the Big Five, a literary agency or self-publishing, the end goal is the same:
To sell your story.
To do that, what you present matters. Whether to a reader if you self-publish or a literary agent - it matters. It can be the difference in a contract or a rejection letter, a Five–Star Review with return readers and a fan base or a One-Star Review and eating your feelings.
Whether it's simple editing and proofing, help with character and story development, or you're looking for comprehensive assessment and editing of your manuscript, I’m here to make sure you put your best book forward.
A manuscript critique is an evaluation of your book as a whole. You'll get in-depth notes that address your book's strengths and weaknesses, story, characters, growth, pacing, marketability, guidance on revisions, and much more. This is an important first step for every writer.
Copyediting is a line-by-line correction of your manuscript, with the goal of providing you with the clearest story to give to your readers so they’ll come back for more.
Developmental edit
Developmental editing is a deep-dive content edit of your book. You'll get in-depth notes, plus line-by-line constructive feedback and suggestions.
Proofreading is the very last step before you self-publish or submit to publishers and literary agents.
A writer is a world trapped inside a person.
- Victor Hugo

How to use the best screenplays as a writing guide. Download your favorites to use as a resource tool.