affiliate disclosuRe

If you click on a link and it takes you offsite, chances are it’s an affiliate link. Which means if you click it, like it, and buy it, I may receive a commission with no additional cost to you. To be completely transparent, you should know that the commissions are huge. I’m writing this from my yacht. I’m part of the 1% simply because you bought that book or signed up for a service or took a class. I’ve hired a pool boy named Paco and I have so much money to burn, he doesn’t even clean the pool – just periodically feeds me pie.

Pretty sweet deal, right? Just know that no one pays me to specifically promote a product or service. I choose what I personally find valuable, informative, useful, cool as all hell, or just simply want and I only send you to something that I think you will, too. If I’m an affiliate for it, awesome. If I’m not, I’m still going to share things of interest. Even though that cuts into my deserted-island-buying-fund. I’m a giver like that.

So, rest assured that you can trust in the products or services I may send you to check out or that a review of a book is non-biased even though I probably got it for free; and I’ll rest easy as my personal mixologist makes me a super fancy cocktail.

And by personal mixologist, I mean, me.

And by fancy cocktail, I mean, I unscrewed a bottle of Tito’s I barely paid for with my commissions and poured it into a Solo cup.