Developmental Editing

Developmental Editing

from $549.00

A developmental edit is the whole enchilada – story-wise. It’s a deep-diving, detailed content edit that provides objective feedback. It looks at everything from words to structure to strengths and weaknesses to story and characters to loose ends.

Are there major changes that need to take place to better tell your story? A different way to go about something? Missing information? Cuts to be made? Additions? Restructuring?

Developmental edits provide invaluable insights to make your manuscript everything it can be before starting major revisions; setting you and your book on the right path.


  • Line–by–Line Editor's Notes

  • No Page Limit Report

  • Notes on Hook, Setting and Descriptions, POV, Voice, Narrative Style and Tone, Dialogue, Character Development and Growth, Plot, Pacing, Story Development including Story Arcs, Showing versus Telling, Consistency, Structure, and Marketability

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